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Descarga digital del número 1
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No se pudo cargar la disponibilidad de retiro
Preferiríamos que sintieras las páginas y pusieras a Ori en tu mesa de café, pero aquí tienes una opción si estás en movimiento. 130 páginas de historias e imágenes de colaboradores galardonados de todo el mundo.
La revista Ori no aparece en los quioscos y los ejemplares individuales son limitados, así que ahorre un 25% del precio del número único al suscribirse hoy.
Read our testimonials >

Immerse Yourself
Visit faraway places and roam your backyard with our award-winning storytellers as they explore untold tales from across the globe. From art to music to food to adventure, our pages know no boundaries.

The World Like You’ve Never Seen It
Mind-blowing imagery from internationally recognized photographers will bring your brain around the world and back again. Careful, this mag might have you booking your next plane ticket. Don’t say we didn’t warn you.

ori creative grant
Lift as you Climb
Curate your content and choose your adventure with the Ori Creative Grant. Our storytelling scholarship is voted on by subscribers and awarded to an Ori contributor twice a year. These stories matter, let’s keep telling them.